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Meet Nedy


Born in Haiti, immigrant to USA 20 years ago, Nedy Nathan founder and owner of Olives Gravels - live in Baldwin NY. She is a poet and a master seamstress and in her own words, this is her story;

 Nedy Nathan

My journey!

Life is precious and worthy to be living. Last year after my spiritual healing from epilepsy, I started to look at life on a spiritual level, which brought some questions about my purpose in life and how I want to be remembered when I'm gone to meet my Creator. After working for over 28 years as a dressmaker, putting a smile on the face of many of my satisfied customers, I woke up with a feeling of emptiness. 

Therefore, questioning the use of my God-giving talent. On my Knees I asked my Father to give me an idea that will make a difference in the life of many and He did. John 15:7 ESV “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” Since the beginning of 2021 I started the journey of putting my poetry on a pillow.

Today, full of gratitude and excitement, I am looking at the realization of a project that without God I would not have conceived. For many years, during my up and down moments, I wrote poetries to glorify my God, not thinking that those poetries would one day leave my journal. I pray in Jesus name that they will bring warm, joyful and positive thoughts to my new customers. Be Blessed!